Published: Friday, May 13, 2022
Last Update News 2022-05-13T03:51:44Z

What are the types of insurance in Bangladesh?


Like all other financial products, insurance has a wide classification in Bangladesh.

Basically, insurance can be classified in various ways in Bangladesh.

Nature of risks :
  • Life insurance and
  • General (non-life) insurance.
  • Composite insurance
Operation type:
  • Takaful Insurance
  • Traditional Insurance
  • Takaful Window Insurance
Specialty classification:
  • Insurance company
  • Reinsurance company
  • Coinsurance company
  • Health Insurance
  • Agriculture Insurance

Classification of life insurance products:
  • Whole life
  • Endowment
  • Annuity
Types of whole life insurance policies:
  • Term whole life insurance
  • Whole life insurance
Types of endowment life policy:
  • Nonprofit endowment life insurance
  • With profits endowment life insurance
  • Full endowment life insurance
  • Low-cost endowment life insurance
  • Unit-linked endowment life insurance

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