Published: Saturday, March 19, 2022
Last Update News 2022-03-19T18:44:00Z

5 habits increase your heart disease risk


Worldwide, many people die of heart attacks each year. Still people are indifferent to this. There is too much lack of awareness among people about heart disease. But a little awareness can save you from this terrible desease.
Experts say that there are many daily activities that increase the risk of heart disease. Proper diet and lifestyle can help reduce this risk. Let's take a look at the five daily habits that increase the risk of heart disease-

Sitting still for a long time

Compared to people who lead an active lifestyle, who do not move enough and sit for five hours or more every day, are twice as likely to develop heart problems. Even if you have to sit at the table all day for work, take at least five minutes of walking every hour. This small change in your daily routine keeps your arteries flexible and improves blood circulation.

Excessive drinking

Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to high blood pressure, stroke and obesity. All of these greatly increase the risk of heart disease. According to experts, drinking alcohol twice a day for men and more than once a day for women can disrupt the normal rhythm of the heart and cause heart disease.

Dental care

Dental care is not only important for the health of your teeth. A 2014 study published in the Journal of Periodontal Research found that people with heart problems were less likely to have circulatory problems than those who took proper dental care. According to experts, the bacteria associated with gum disease increase inflammation in the body increases the risk of heart disease.

Execessive salt intake

Excessive sodium intake can cause high blood pressure, which increases the risk of heart disease. Not only extra salt but also processed foods, soups, frozen foods, chips and other salty snacks contain a lot of salt. According to experts, sodium should not be taken more than 1500 mg daily.

Insufficient sleep

The heart works hard all day. Without adequate sleep, the circulatory system does not get the rest it needs. In the first phase of sleep, heart rate and blood pressure decrease (non-REM stage). In the second phase (REM sleep), the heart rate increases and decreases according to the proportion of people dreaming. Experts say that these changes keep the heart healthy throughout the night. Prolonged sleep deprivation can cause cortisol and adrenaline levels to rise at an alarming rate, the equivalent of extra stress. According to experts, adults need at least seven to eight hours of sleep a night.

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