Published: Tuesday, February 14, 2023
Last Update News 2023-02-14T08:05:00Z

3 simple solutions to prevent hair loss !


How much effort do fashion conscious people make to prevent hair loss? According to experts, it is normal to lose 50 to 100 hairs per day. But if the hair grows more than this, you have to worry. Special care should be taken if the hair rises by touching the head.

Almost everyone suffers from the problem of hair loss. Many take the advice of experts to solve this problem. But it is possible to stop hair loss at home! Start hair care at home if you start losing hair due to neglect. According to a report of this period, know 3 simple methods to prevent hair fall.

Amlaki : Amalki is rich in vitamin C, which is important for hair. This amalaki can prevent excessive hair fall. For this first extract the juice of Amalki. Then apply it well on the scalp. It should also be applied to the hair. Wait 40 minutes and shampoo. Studies have shown that this amlaki is very effective in hair growth.

Onion juice : A very important ingredient for hair. It also helps in hair growth. Strengthens hair roots. So besides stopping hair growth, this ingredient also helps in new hair growth. For this, chop the onion. Extract the juice from it. Apply the juice on the roots, scalp and hair well. Use at least 1 to 2 days a week. It will stop hair loss.

Fenugreek seeds : Fenugreek seeds are also beneficial for hair. plays an important role. The use of fenugreek hair is also visible. Hair loss problem can also be controlled. Fenugreek contains flavonoids and saponins. Acts as an anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal agent. First take quantity of fenugreek seeds in a bowl. Soak it in water overnight. Keep covered. Get up next morning and make a paste with fenugreek seeds. Apply the paste on the scalp, roots and hair well. Wait for 1 hour and shampoo. Use 1 to 2 days a week.

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