Published: Saturday, March 4, 2023
Last Update News 2023-03-04T16:22:03Z

9 thousand Bangladeshis became EU citizens in 2021


In 2021, eight thousand and nine hundred Bangladeshis have accepted the citizenship of different countries of the European Union (EU). During this time, a total of eight lakh 27 thousand foreigners have been granted citizenship in the Union countries.

According to Eurostat statistics, Bangladeshis are 21st among the people who got citizenship of different countries of the European Union in 2021. 

The first place in the list is the African country Morocco A total of 86 thousand 100 people of this North African country got citizenship of different EU countries in 2021 

The war-torn country of the Middle East, Syria, is in the second position A total of 83 thousand 500 people of the country have accepted the citizenship of various European Union countries The Balkan country of Albania is in the third position A total of 32 thousand 300 people of this country accepted the citizenship of different countries belonging to the European Union in 2021. 

Pakistan is at the tenth position in the list A total of 16 thousand 600 people of the country accepted the citizenship of European Union countries in 2021 Right after that, i.e. India's position at 11th place A total of 16 thousand 200 people of this South Asian country accepted the citizenship of the allied countries in 2021. 

Bangladeshis have more citizenship in which country?

According to Eurostat, more than half of Bangladeshis have taken Italian citizenship in 2021 According to statistics, 57.4 percent of the total 8,900 Bangladeshis who have obtained the citizenship of different EU countries have taken the citizenship of Italy, a country on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. Moreover, 10.2 percent got citizenship of Spain 8.8 percent of Portuguese and 8.2 percent of French citizenship The rest have taken citizenship of other countries belonging to the European Union. 

Is the rate of citizenship increasing?

According to Eurostat figures, the total number of foreigners obtaining citizenship in EU countries in 2021 was 14 percent higher than in 2020, compared to the previous year. According to that calculation, the total number of citizenships granted by EU countries in 2021 was 98,300 more than in 2020. 

Among the EU countries that have seen a relative increase in the number of citizenships granted during this period are France, Germany, Spain, Sweden and Austria. 

However, not all countries have granted more citizenships in 2021 than the previous year Some countries granted citizenship to fewer foreigners in 2021 than in the previous year These include Italy, Portugal, Greece, Finland and Cyprus. 

Desk Report /Samil Hossain


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