Published: Friday, September 30, 2022
Last Update News 2022-09-29T20:58:11Z

If you search the subject on Google, you will be in danger


Google is now everyone's daily companion. When the question that comes to mind can be known by searching on Google. Now nothing will be unknown if you have a smartphone and internet. If you want to know something, you must search on Google. But you can be in danger by searching Google.

There are some sensitive topics that can be dangerous if searched. So be careful about searching on Google. Google has its own rules. If you search for something on Google that violates Google's rules, you may be subject to legal action. You can get into jail-fine trouble. Let's know about 3 such things. Things you should never google:

  • Many people search for adult content or pornography on Google. It is very dangerous. Searching or sharing child pornography in particular is a crime. If you search for it, Google can sue you for violating the rules and laws.
  • Many people are very curious about many things. Especially teenagers. Go to Google to know various things about science. But don't ask to know anything about bomb making by mistake. Cyber ​​Cell always monitors such searches. So avoid searching such things on Google.
  • If you search something related to abortion on Google, you can be in danger. It is legally prohibited in many countries. Even getting an abortion without a doctor's advice is very dangerous. So searching for abortion method on Google is also a crime, for which Google can take legal action against you.

Source: Geeznext

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