Published: Wednesday, September 28, 2022
Last Update News 2022-09-27T19:40:36Z

How To Double Income in 'YouTube Shorts'

How To Double Income in 'YouTube Shorts'
How To Double Income in 'YouTube Shorts'

Many people earn millions of rupees a month by creating content on YouTube. This popular video streaming platform has provided employment to many unemployed people. However, due to the popularity of TikTok, YouTube is slowly losing customers.

The platform launched YouTube shorts to beat TikTok. Short videos like TikTok can be created here. Shorts have gained popularity in just two years. The number of shorts users has exceeded 1.5 billion per month. This time, YouTube is bringing an opportunity to increase the income of content creators in shorts.

That's why the video sharing site has decided to show ads in short videos for the first time. Under this new initiative, ads will also be shown in short videos similar to YouTube's regular videos. And the creators of the video will get a certain share of the income from this advertisement. Through this, besides increasing the number of videos on YouTube shorts, the creators will also earn.

Currently, making short videos cannot be monetized through YouTube's monetization program. However, YouTube has a fund called 'Creator's Fund' for the makers of short videos. Under this, the creators of popular short videos can get a maximum of 10 thousand dollars per month.

But as this facility is not available in all countries of the world, not all manufacturers get the opportunity to earn. Not only that, the video doesn't get monetized as it doesn't display ads. And so this time, YouTube has taken the initiative to introduce the income opportunity of creators by showing ads in short videos like the original video.

YouTube shorts can be used to create and exchange videos of up to 60 seconds. Under this new plan, ads of maximum 6 seconds will be shown on YouTube shorts videos. A certain portion of YouTube's revenue from advertising will be given to the video creator. YouTube will get the rest.

But for that, you have to join the monetization program. The channel must have at least 1000 subscribers. Even in a year the videos on the channel must be at least 4000 hours of viewing time. Or creators can also be eligible for the program if their shorts get 10 million views within 90 days.

Source: Times of India

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